I have spent a good part of my working life with Paul, having worked with him for over 20 years at Sybase and then SAP. He was a true professional, smart, thorough, organised and never afraid to stick his neck out. Over the years, I had a lot of time to get to know Paul personally, not least in our weekly Friday lunchtime Sybase/SAP get-togethers at the pub. He was remarkably talented in all kinds of things, from building houses (after work), cookery, refereeing rugby matches and so much more. My most enduring memories of Paul is that he always had a smile on his face with a chuckle never far off and that he was so friendly, welcoming and enthusiastic. Our future Friday lunchtimes get-together which have persisted, albeit with much less frequency due to our all no longer working at SAP, will simply not be the same without him. So glad that one of the photos uploaded on this website shows Paul, fulfilling a passion in learning to bake his own bread. He never believed in having only slices of bread but rather, as a treat, in enthusiastically tearing it, chunk by chunk from the loaf until it was all gone.
Thinking and praying for you all, Nicky, Chris, Ruth and Abby.
22nd April 2021